I love roast beef, I loooove tender little filets cooked almost rare, a bison burger... I could eat it every other day. The point is that I really like my beef and bison. I tried the whole vegetarian thing for five years and was broken by the bison burger at Cumberland Brews... it really haunted my dreams.
However, the truth about beef is that the manufacturing and industrial farming of cattle is ruining the environment and our health. Most cattle raised in a factory farm setting are kept in crowded environments and are pumped with antibiotics and growth horomones. These animals are then slaughtered and the meat is processed with preservatives and other additives to keep it looking fresh and juicy. What about the environment? Did you know that possibly 15 -20 % of methan emmissions are produced by livestock and the leading cause of the deforestization of the Brasilian Amazon is cattle ranching and clearing of forest for pasture land.
It's not all bad... you don't have to give up the occasional steak and burger just yet. But, this consuming culture really needs to cut out all the bigmacs and royales with cheese. We need to start supporting local farmers, who raise their cattle naturally and on a farm where they are allowed to graze and soak up the sun. Wholefoods may not carry all local, but they do run specials on free range steak and ground beef all the time. Also, Cumberland Brews has an awesome Bison Burger, from KY BISON, that rocks my world everytime I eat one... ( I am biased because I work there). Eat more vegetables and save that steak for a special occasion... if everyone would do that, we would be healthier and live on a cleaner earth.
Want more?
Check out this article from Mother Earth News.
The Bison Burger WILL break anyone. Its near impossible to stay away from it for too long.