I've often said that I don't know what I would do without my Dr. Bronners. Dr. Bronners Magic Pure-Castile Liquid Soap is one of the most wonderful cleaning products available. The soaps are offered in both liquid and bar form, however I use the liquid because a little goes a long way. A 32 ounce bottle has lasted me up to six months and runs about $15 dollars. I have seen the product at all natural and whole food grocery stores, as well as Krogers and Valumarket. The company has set high standards, both ethically and environmentally, in every aspect of the business, from ingredients, production, and employment to staying active in support of issues to better our world. They use all organic, fair-trade products and are active supporters of movements to recommercialize industrial hemp, a plant that is both sustainable and beneficial to agriculture, manufacturing and trade. The liquid soap comes it many different varieties as well as a mild, unscented formula for babies and people with sensitive skin. My favorites are lavender and peppermint, the latter being a cooling refresher for a hot summer day or long one at work.
Plus - The bottles make for very interesting reading and contemplation in the bath.
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