Sunday, December 13, 2009
Buy Local
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Keep Chickens!

Keeping chickens has been a common practice for thousands of years... one could say it is part of human nature, or at least it was, until the modern convenience of the supermarket. Although I do not keep chickens yet, keeping the birds for eggs has been a dream of mine ever since I tasted my first farm fresh egg about eight years ago. The topic of raising chickens in the city limits has always brought me peculiar and questionable looks, but it really is not that uncommon... and yes it is legal in the city of Louisville. I am allowed up to six birds, one of which can be a rooster... which is not recommended if you want to stay friends with your neighbors.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Beef- Its whats for dinner.

I love roast beef, I loooove tender little filets cooked almost rare, a bison burger... I could eat it every other day. The point is that I really like my beef and bison. I tried the whole vegetarian thing for five years and was broken by the bison burger at Cumberland Brews... it really haunted my dreams.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
My Favorite Products

I've often said that I don't know what I would do without my Dr. Bronners. Dr. Bronners Magic Pure-Castile Liquid Soap is one of the most wonderful cleaning products available. The soaps are offered in both liquid and bar form, however I use the liquid because a little goes a long way. A 32 ounce bottle has lasted me up to six months and runs about $15 dollars. I have seen the product at all natural and whole food grocery stores, as well as Krogers and Valumarket. The company has set high standards, both ethically and environmentally, in every aspect of the business, from ingredients, production, and employment to staying active in support of issues to better our world. They use all organic, fair-trade products and are active supporters of movements to recommercialize industrial hemp, a plant that is both sustainable and beneficial to agriculture, manufacturing and trade. The liquid soap comes it many different varieties as well as a mild, unscented formula for babies and people with sensitive skin. My favorites are lavender and peppermint, the latter being a cooling refresher for a hot summer day or long one at work.

Thursday, November 19, 2009
People I admire
Kentucky Engagement Coference
I get to represent U of L, as well as the art department, at NKU tomorrow. I will be speaking on a panel with three other students from other universities in the state about projects we have done in the community. I am going to talk about the project I did with the Collaborative Arts course from last Spring (2009)... maybe I'll put in a word or two about this class... Check out the blog from the class. November 20, 2009 Join us at the 4th annual Kentucky Engagement Conference where you can dramatically increase your knowledge and skills relating to students’ civic learning and civic engagement. You’ll find nationally known speakers, expert panels, roundtable discussions, tips from students and community members, 30 displays of projects at Kentucky’s college and universities, and plenty of opportunity to network with faculty and administrative colleagues. This year’s conference promises to provide you with lots of ideas for your classroom and campus. |
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The Leaves Are Falling

The artist, Jane Hammond, has created several installations using fallen leaves. Each individual leaf is inscribed with the name of soldier that has died in Iraq. The most recent installation at the Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego, began with 4229 leaves.
There is something about leaves in the autumn, at the zenith of their coloration that is transcendent: they are both dematerializing and intensifying simultaneously. As their bodies become lighter, their color is becoming more and more intense. I’ve tried to gather leaves just at this moment when the chroma is so strong it transcends the body of the leaf and becomes a kind of pure light. It does rhyme with the idea of “the spirit” but I think in a way that is accessible and earthly. It’s more Emerson than Aquinas.
One of the things that has been interesting for me is how much more particular leaves have become for me—like the lives themselves. I see them now as such individuals. It is a kind of miracle how attention to something makes it so much more interesting.
Besides thinking about leaves, both in the general and in the particular, it is also useful to think a moment about the nature of numbers. Numbers were invented for agricultural record keeping. They served a useful function of distilling the manyness of hundreds and thousands of sacks of wheat into a unitary phenomenon—a single number. Sometimes I think we have grown up so completely with the abstraction that is numbers that we forget the manyness and multitude that they actually represent. Every person whom I have heard say of “Fallen,” “Oh My God, it is so many” also knows, intellectually, what four thousand is, but there is something about seeing the number concretized that undoes a lifetime of thinking in the abstract.
It started out as something specific and concrete—the equation in my mind between lives and leaves. But more and more time has entered into the equation. The ongoingness of the piece is reallyits essential nature. It is a work of art in which the artist is not in control of when it is finished nor how large it is. I am something between an author and a witness. It has a performative quality but it is not a script I wrote.
I suppose it also has a performative nature in the sense that it is not a fixed arrangement of leaves. So far, everywhere the piece has gone, I go and arrange the leaves and in a sense “make” the piece. It’s hard for me to imagine not doing this myself.
Three concepts that inform most of my work are collecting, collage and collaboration. The gathering of the leaves themselves has now extended over several Autumns and in places as far apart as Hawaii, Texas and Vermont. The marriage of each name and leaf is a kind of collage and while I don’t know how to perfectly extend the “collaboration” metaphor the piece definitely feels bigger to me than my ideas or my craftsmanship or my authorship. It has at its heart our collectivity."
My Favorite Products

I've decided I am going to post products that I use regularly and are recycled, biodegradable or in some way sustainable or better for the environment.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Where do I go?
Hours of Operation: Tuesday through Friday 8 AM to 6 PM, Saturday 8 AM to 3 PM.

Significant Place
Take a look at this fancy thing... These are free (while supplies last) and were part of RJ Reynolds Tobacco's "Smokers for a Clean America" program. Click here to get to the site.

Crime Scene
Q. How long do cigarette butts last in the environment?
A. Cigarette butt : 18 months - 10 years
Cigarette Butts are made of plastic, of the same type of plastic as is found in plastic bags and soda bottles. They will eventually degrade, especially if the environment is right for that sort of thing (moist, warm, and shady) but they will take much longer to degrade if flicked away on a beach or some other sandy, dry, hot area.
The nicotine contained in 200 leftover cigarette butts, however, is enough to kill a full-sized human being (according to the admittedly biased, and can have a negative impact on the wildlife in the area.
Thanks WikiAnswers
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
New Enviro Blog
Monday, October 19, 2009
Native Fish for the Home Aquarium
tRashy trashy
I couldn't help but notice the hundreds of cards tossed on to the ground after they had been used. There has got to be a better way of recycling them. I did see a man on a bike in Time's Square with a couple hundred wrapped around the frame of his bicycle, but that was the only case in which I notice someone reusing their metro cards.
Roxy Paine
This sculpture was installed on the roof of the Met overlooking central park. It was a marvelous. Mary and I enjoyed a couple cocktails on the roof after a long day of contemplating art.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
U of L Hosts "Bioneers"
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Significant place

The last time I walked down to this part of Beargrass, the water was up to the street. During the August flash flooding, my friend and I walked down to the creek and were dumbstruck by the amount of trash that was being carried through the creek, presumably to the river. Mostly plastic bottles and cups, with the occasional basketball or football, made the rushing water look like a river of garbage. Although this is not the case, right now, the sides of the creek are littered with remains of garbage that got stuck to the creeks edge.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Hans Haacke
Sunflowers make me Smile :)

Walton Ford

Walton Ford's work may look as though it were painted two hundred years ago, however he is a contemporary artist born in 1960. The allegorical nature of his work may not be recognized at first, but the content of his prints and paintings are rich with meaning. The most poignant of his work, for myself, are the pieces that reflect the species that have ultimately been wiped out because of man's ignorance to the natural environment.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Chlorophyll print

Bihn Dahn (b. October 9th, 1977) is a contemporary artist that prints photographic images onto leaves. These images are created using a negative and the sunlight to bleach out the white. It is a similar to the anthotype , using the sun to naturally bleach out the whites of the image, however this process is different in that the image is printed directly onto the leaf, rather than using the pulp of flowers or vegetables for the emulsion. He preserves his images by casting them in resin.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Clean with Vinegar

photo courtesy of
Vinegar is a great way to clean without using toxic chemicals. I use white vinegar, the kind you get in a gallon jug at the grocery store for 3 dollars, and water to clean just about everything in my home. Occasionally I throw in some salt or baking soda for the extra nasty stuff. I put maybe a quarter of vinegar into a spray bottle and fill the rest with water and voila... I use vinegar to clean my bathroom, floor, countertops, refrigerator, stove-top, just about anything. It doesn't leave any chemical smell, it is better for the air quality of your home, and better for the environment. Plus it is so much cheaper and lasts for so much longer. And don't worry, it will kill germs... well maybe not swine flu.
Brick is Better

This brick alley has been here as long as the limestone wall on the right, which means it is probably as old as my home, which was built circa 1890.
Think about how often you see a concrete or asphalt road repaved.
Not every hundred years, most likely every 10 years, if not more on some of the busier roads. (I lived on Bradstown Road for 6 years and saw it repaved twice)
I know brick roads are bumpy and you can't go so fast... but maybe we all need to slow down and enjoy the ride.
I too enjoy the smooth ride of a freshly paved street on my bike or board, but how toxic, really, is the asphalt that we are inhaling into out lungs... probably as toxic as a lot of the air we breathe.
Brick also helps reduce the amount of water that is being dumped into the drainage system during a freak downpour. Remember August?
I understand that the city is not going to put new bricks roads down, but if they even think about repaving my alley... I will protest.
Just remember, the next time you're walking or driving on brick that that sidewalk or road has most likely been there for a very long time and that the concrete and asphalt shit we're putting down won't be around for even half of the bricks lifetime.
taxes at work

I don't know why there was a dozen or so cans strung out in the road in front of my house... we picked them up. I'm hoping that someone did not notice that they dropped a bag of groceries, but how could someone not realize they dropped a bag of can goods? One would think that they would hear it or feel the weight change. Maybe they just didn't care. Either way, I got my trash pic for the week and didn't have to go far for it.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Makes me smile

Many urban areas see animals as pests and problems, and do much to keep them away or get rid of them. We forget that these spaces are just as much their home as it is ours. This wall not only functions as a structural form, but it also has added homes for the birds and the bats. What is more pleasant? A blank or graffiti laden wall(not that I don't appreciate street art) or a wall with little boxes full of animals... my vote goes to the animals.